Well we made to WV ok and we've been busy since we arrived.
We have been enjoying mountain living up in the huge, comfy,
quiet mountain house. We'll be living here for a month or 2
the building is absolutely amazing- they are still remodelling,
but moving pretty quickly. The coffee shop needs a lot of equipment and
research and money before we can get started on it and so we are going
to put it off until later- probably this fall. We need to get all of
the other functions going first. our art is priority over coffee :)
we may set up a coffee shop in a tent for festivals this summer.
I think we are planning on vending at like 12 different festivals
this summer.
We've got a workshop set up in the basement
for cutting wood, painting etc. and building a dark room down
there too.
Part of 1st floor will be gallery for photos, clothing, art,
and also we will have an office for graphic design / photography.
There is another storefront on 1st floor for our coffee shop.
There is an in between loft area between 1st and 2nd floor that
will be a lounge.
2nd floor will be apartments, another office,
our internet radio station (which will be broadcast eventually),
and recording studio.
3rd floor is huge- will be the music venue where we
will do open mics, play and book live shows, have lessons
like dance, etc. We will do live recording there for the
performances. Amber will have a full sewing room.
We also will rent the space out for receptions
and banquets as a source of income. We even have some
teachers from local colleges that want to rent out
the space to give private classes and lessons.
There are a lot of other rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor
that we don't even know what we are going to do with yet.
So we are going to hit the photography / graphic
design market really hard. they have already started
projects for clients and with the diverse group that
we have, we can do anything like murals, signs,
photography, window displays, logos, advertisements,
etc etc etc. We can photograph events, video events,
record for musical artists, make promo packs,
promote. We even have a silk screen tshirt press
to make tshirts for peoples businesses or bumper
stickers for bands. We also have lots of artwork
that will be displayed for sale in our gallery:
Ambers clothes and jewelry, my photographs,
roberts photographs, paintings and sculptures and
furniture made by the other two guys, our cds from
local bands, Lori and Roberts band, and once we
record an album my and Amber's band.
Also there is a farm that used to be
kind of a commune/ artist colony in the 60s,
the folk life center, which we will be having our
earth day festival and culture festival on.
Culture fest this year will be a three day
festival with camping and all! Fantastic!
We got scholarships and stipends (for travel etc)
to attend this huge 3 day arts conference / seminar /
awards thing. We are going to be there representing
our organization.
Also we did a radio commercial (we also wrote
produced and recorded it) and its playing on the radio
station. We are also going to be doing a tv commercial