After spending my entire rare break from school searching for an apartment that is short term and affordable, we have come to a consensus on one solution: Not to get one. Down with apartments! Why spend all that money on an apartment that we'd live in for only 2 months when we can spend it on something that we can keep; something we've both wanted for a long time; something that we can live in. That's right, we've decided to buy an old VW poptop camper van. We figure that living in it for 2 months shouldn't be too bad. We plan to park it in various locations in Columbus, including the 24hour Walmart and just up the street from our then-ex-apartment so that we can mooch off of Vic's (a coffee shop) wireless interet signal from the van. We can take showers at friends houses (a preemptive thanks to Buzz and Mark-- love you guys) or probably at my sisters in Marysville whom I have not asked but who I'm sure will not mind. This will also help us lighten our load of 'stuff'... because we'll have to. We have too much stuff. We are now attempting to get rid of it all so that we can live more simply. We wish to keep only 'a long vacations worth' of clothing, all of our stuff that pertains to art or music, our laptops, and just a small load of necessary items.
So now we are done looking at apartments and we've started scouring Columbus, the classifieds, ebay, and the rest of the internet for an old VW poptop. I've got to note that it's a much more pleasant search.