It was in the 70's outside today: freakishly warm! Everyone was out and about walking, laying on their roof, etc. It put everyone in summer mode. Too bad it's still early March and I'm pretty sure we wont get out of the month without more snow. Ran into an old friend while out walking on High St. and we talked about Bonnaroo and a couple other festivals this summer.
Anyways, on to the best news: I'm starting back to school in roughly two weeks. I am super-stoked. I'm going to try to take the same classes as Amber this quarter; an acting class, a dig media class and a dig photography class.
Our 1st show is also coming up in about a month. We decided to play all originals, and we don't quite have enough material to fill the set yet, but we're writing quite a bit. It would be nice to have enough material to be somewhat selective and still fill the 2 hours. I think we are doing a really good job managing ourselves and planning things for the band, but right now time is so tight that the practicing is a bit too scarce for our taste. Once I start back to school, I won't be working 50 hr weeks anymore and we will have almost every night to work on things.
Artist Steev Richter is soon coming back to Ohio and we plan on running back to Mansfield to catch a show. Steev was one of my original inspirations for becoming a musician.
The Walkmen are playing at Little Brothers tomorrow night and it will be awesome. Its a small enough venue to make the show a bit more personal.
Still haven't got the Evolu website up. Feb is always our poorest month, with Jan at a close second. Soon we'll pay all those looming gas bills off and we'll be back on track (meaning we will still have no money, but it will be a more flexible state of poverty) and we will be getting things done. A change of priority is in order and this summer, we will have to live humbly so that we can travel and put both time and resource into our music and art. It will also help to get those student aid refund checks back from the school. Yeah, those are great. Anyways, website, myspace, sonicbids, etc. will hopefully all be done before our show. We are also eye-ing a new mixer and some better mics for recording. There is a slim chance of getting a PA for touring this summer, but this may prove to be both unattainable and unnecessary. We are also anticipating the arrival of our screen printer and we've got a good source for clothing.
Amber and I seem to be getting a better idea about where we really want to go with our schooling and are starting to compile some long term goals. Seems like everything is a lot more within our reach and we seem to be making the right contacts and advancing. We don't feel so much like outsiders in the scene and we aren't in anyone's shadow. It feels good and hopeful.
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