Quickly working our way through this quarter! We are now preparing for our final projects for photography, photoshop, and acting. Kind of a lot of work all at once... It's cool though, we're pulling through (and not working much at our jobs ;) ) Soon it will be time to submit our work for the juried exhibition and I think that's when the pressure will start to cook us. Still, I think we know where we're headed 'for real' now.
We've got so much stuff packed into everyday. We have more art projects than humanly possible going simultaneously between school and stuff we are privately working on and our music, etc. One of these days I'll catch up on everything. I'm stayin up late just to vent all this out. I gotta say, though, I love staying busy like this. It may feel like there's not enough time for everything, but that's cause a lot is getting done. It's pretty satisfying.
I'm so proud of amber, too. The artwork she's been producing is amazing. She's really learning a lot and she's finding out a lot of new things about how she likes to create that art. I think she's surprised herself. It's a really cool time for her.
We have a ton of shows to go to in just the next month alone. And lots of theatre: thursday the childrens' hour, next thursday mary stuart, next next wednesday cirque de soleil, and THAT shall be the grandest!
Just after finals are over we are packing up for the grandest event of the year: bonnaroo!
-thats not all, but all i have energy for-
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