this year, amber and i went on a walk on the night of winter solstice. it was unseasonably warm that night but very windy, and there were parties going on around the village. we walked by one house that had a giant peace sign formed from xmas lights and little paper bags with tea lights lining the porch steps and walkway. as we cut down the narrow brick alleyway, we saw a fenced in yard out back complete with party noises that included: laughing, guitar playing, drumming, chatting, howling, etc. this put us in the mindset even further so after completing our walk, we returned home with some wine and had our own little shindig with music and discussions about the light beginning to defeat the darkness. anyways it was really nice.
christmas, seeming not so exciting as it approached, actually turned out to be really nice this year. there were no bad energies and no drama from either of our families. we (and amber's mom too) did kind of get 'busted' by amber's younger sister, but nothing conclusive enough to accuse- i'm sure she'll figure us out some day, but she'll have to get over it. other than that, everyone was really fun to hang out with. even my sister and her husband were pretty jolly.
amber and i, upon buying gifts for everyone else could not afford to get each other anything, so we decided to move our gift exchanging back a week to new years eve, which i think we both agree is better in some ways anyways. i think we both agree that new years has a lot of magical and symbolic properties about it that are very important to us. not sure what we are doing as of yet for new years eve. cowboy hillbilly hippie folk band is playing at vics or ekoostik hookah is playing at the newport. not sure if i have to work new years day or not.
i sort of wanted to be free from this corporate bullshit job by the end of this year, i guess it's too bad i don't have something better lined up to start in january because i could just leave my current job and have new years off completely. i'm gonna have to change jobs anyways: serving tables in jan, feb, and march at this place is pretty worthless. i am getting some portfolios together- going to apply to shoot for the lantern, and try to find some design work around town.
school is starting on the 3rd and even though i know we wish we had a longer break, we are both pretty excited about this quarter. last quarter was like a fine-art-foundation-boot camp or something, but this one will be all art-tech and we will be doing some pretty cool stuff :)
we're also both really excited about this new year coming up. we feel a lot of good things coming, and we are really happy with our personal and spiritual progress for this year. we both feel wiser and we've done so much growing. we are both more ourselves now than ever. also: all the work that we have been putting in to our art and music (and all the struggle we've faced as a result of it) is finally starting to show results, so with a sigh of relief, we know that we've been doing the right thing for us all along and it will all work out for us.
all for now :)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
2 1/3 more days of school
wednesday, friday, small part of monday!
we are greatly looking forward to taking a much needed break!
we are greatly looking forward to taking a much needed break!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
maybe this ohio winter won't be so bad
went to an old friends house last night downtown and we watched the concert for george. also we listened to george harrison's second studio album- living in the material world- on vinyl. our friend has a pretty extensive record collection. anyways it was cool to hang with someone who isn't preachy or weepy or completely self-absorbed (it's kind of been a while). also ran into someone i used to work with who used to be a firefighter, now a journalist, and traveling. he seems pretty happy and its pretty cool to see some personal evolution taking place there.
we're doing better with school projects not kicking our ass. we seem to be through the worst. did a new tarot card reading recently that also seems to agree with this. still no money, but we have food and house, so who cares?
today is a good day. beautiful colors in the leaves and warm sun beams all about.
peace to all.
we're doing better with school projects not kicking our ass. we seem to be through the worst. did a new tarot card reading recently that also seems to agree with this. still no money, but we have food and house, so who cares?
today is a good day. beautiful colors in the leaves and warm sun beams all about.
peace to all.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
fighting back
the past couple of days have been interesting for me. things are kind of coming to a boiling point, and people are moving into positions to try and break us with their imaginary weapons. sunday, i started fighting back. two days in a row i have had to be backed into a corner where i had no choice but to defend myself, and i've had flex my metaphysical muscles a little. why do people think that because we are young, that this means we are ignorant or inexperienced or what have you... ? everyone mistakes my silence for ignorance, but i am being humble. i listen to people tell me how to be an artist, how to make money, how to be spiritual, how to do this and that,.. all from people who can't get it together themselves. they are talking for their own sake, not mine. and i'm listening for their sake. you can tell that the thought never occurs to them that i might actually have something to say at all, let alone something that is more meaningful than their petty shit. anyone who needs to boost their own ego or maybe reassure themselves of something need not use me right now. i'm running out of much normally ample patience, and i'm tired of being used.
i've figured something out, though. people are bitter toward us because they cannot work out in their head how we get away with living outside of society's rules. they think we don't suffer any consequences for our choices, but they are wrong. the consequences are actually created by the bitter bystanders themselves. they have been treated unfairly for breaking out of societies boundaries, so when they see someone else do it, they say 'well if i couldn't do it you can't either'. what they do not understand is that we do not live in fear of consequence as they do, and therefore we do not let imaginary rules and imaginary boundaries rule our lives. sure, we take crap for our lifestyles, and sometimes things get hard, but this is nothing compared with the benefits that we receive: benefits which are infinite, transcending time, space, matter, rules, observations, etc etc etc. we have been given so many wonderful gifts that are infinitely more powerful than any rule, any fear or anger, any insecurity, and certainly any asshole with some false material-given sense of power.
these people and their rules have no real power over us. we are ALL as free as we believe we are.
thank you to wayne coyne (and the w.a.n.d) for teaching me this. i aspire to spread such beautiful messages of hope and love.
i've figured something out, though. people are bitter toward us because they cannot work out in their head how we get away with living outside of society's rules. they think we don't suffer any consequences for our choices, but they are wrong. the consequences are actually created by the bitter bystanders themselves. they have been treated unfairly for breaking out of societies boundaries, so when they see someone else do it, they say 'well if i couldn't do it you can't either'. what they do not understand is that we do not live in fear of consequence as they do, and therefore we do not let imaginary rules and imaginary boundaries rule our lives. sure, we take crap for our lifestyles, and sometimes things get hard, but this is nothing compared with the benefits that we receive: benefits which are infinite, transcending time, space, matter, rules, observations, etc etc etc. we have been given so many wonderful gifts that are infinitely more powerful than any rule, any fear or anger, any insecurity, and certainly any asshole with some false material-given sense of power.
these people and their rules have no real power over us. we are ALL as free as we believe we are.
thank you to wayne coyne (and the w.a.n.d) for teaching me this. i aspire to spread such beautiful messages of hope and love.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
experiment in time travel #2
thursday night well after midnight, we had been working on school work since the minute we got up in the morning, and we still had not even started another project that was due the next day. amber was recovering from a cold, i was falling ill with one, we were tired and essentially ran out of food in the house. upset and discouraged (starting to freak out), we decided to go hang out with some friends in the back yard for a bit to clear our minds. after spending a wonderful hour outside, it was now even later and we decided to make coffee and get back to work. after coming inside, we completed about 8 hours worth of work in roughly ten minutes. we were still up late enough to only get about 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but the next day we both were recovered from our colds (i never even fully got one) and all the anxiety we felt about school had been lifted. we had a great day :) we're lucky that amber is a genius and has mystical powers. this is our second time travel, the first being at a may day festival in west virginia. yes, one can transcend time and space if the mindset is right.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
more projects
have about 20 hours worth of work to do in the next 36 hours. worn down. ambers sick and i'm getting there.
Friday, October 12, 2007
90 degrees, 70 degrees, 40 degrees; ohio
so after a long spell of 93 degree days, we are instantly zapped down to the 40s and 50s. this seems to have made everyone either tired or sick. luckily, amber and i are just tired. classes are rolling along much smoother now. haven't pulled any all nighters this week :)
now that connie has moved out, our secret garden is all that remains outside the cafe. the vibe is changing around here a bit, not necessarily for better or worse, but incomparably different. there are still lots of good folks around and now (hopefully) some of the drama has subsided. there have been an alarming number of disturbances since the end of summer involving so many good people. we are so fortunate to be a part of this family. i can only hope that harmony can be restored for everyone. amber and i are trying to keep the community at peace. the consciousness of this place and these people is so powerful, and capable of doing so much good.
anyways, having a fire tonight out back. hoping to do some chillin outside.
now that connie has moved out, our secret garden is all that remains outside the cafe. the vibe is changing around here a bit, not necessarily for better or worse, but incomparably different. there are still lots of good folks around and now (hopefully) some of the drama has subsided. there have been an alarming number of disturbances since the end of summer involving so many good people. we are so fortunate to be a part of this family. i can only hope that harmony can be restored for everyone. amber and i are trying to keep the community at peace. the consciousness of this place and these people is so powerful, and capable of doing so much good.
anyways, having a fire tonight out back. hoping to do some chillin outside.
Friday, October 05, 2007
ugh. its late. still sculpting. amber too. my hands are blistering from this wire. i gotta just relax- we are doing much too much work here.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
how to melt your brain
spend all your time in studio classes. no books, lectures, or reading; just work, work and more (art)work. : ]
Sunday, September 23, 2007
School, bike, etc
Well, this week was our first week of school. We have 3 nine hour days. The other 2 days we pretty much are using to work on our art projects for those classes. It's all pretty demanding. We've been pretty rushed the last week and already had to pull one all-nighter to finish a project- mostly because we spent that whole day running around town to different art stores looking for supplies on foot- our car is unusable. We took it for some repairs and were without it all week. Upon its return we learned that the rear tires were concealing some pretty bad wear on the insides. The steel belts were coming through and the tires were separating. Needless to say it's much too dangerous to continue driving, hence all the running around on foot. It would have been nice to have my bike for all this; too bad some asshole had to steal it. I've seen the guy wondering around out back and trying to get into our basement doors to sleep. He steals other peoples' bikes, so I would assume he stole mine. Well he's an asshole and he's aggressive, too, and although I'm not a violent person, I can't have him trying to get in the house. If I see him back there trying to open those doors, I'm gonna kick his ass hard.
Now that all the venting is over, hopefully this next week will be a little more chill. Whew. Our cat misses us. OOh, but I AM getting a new bike this week, and it is new, but I'm going to cover that shiny new paint with a few layers of a vintage matte color. Not only will it look cooler, but also (and more importantly) it will look crappier. This makes it more desirable to me and less desirable to others. I'm keeping it indoors. So fuck off, neon ron.
Anyways, its now tetris and tea time ;)
Now that all the venting is over, hopefully this next week will be a little more chill. Whew. Our cat misses us. OOh, but I AM getting a new bike this week, and it is new, but I'm going to cover that shiny new paint with a few layers of a vintage matte color. Not only will it look cooler, but also (and more importantly) it will look crappier. This makes it more desirable to me and less desirable to others. I'm keeping it indoors. So fuck off, neon ron.
Anyways, its now tetris and tea time ;)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
west virginia
(transferred from a notebook)
on the road again.
yes, it feels good.
we are stopped at a rest area a little ways outside of charleston. we had planned on arriving at the festival early this evening and setting up camp there, but we had some car trouble that caused us delays. lucky for us, it didn't stop us from coming altogether, but the problem is not resolved, so there are some negative possibilities regarding our return to columbus. this is our first return back to west virginia since we left over a year ago. this rest area is a comfort and has welcomed us in with good vibrations all the way from the highway. we considered driving all night, but for some reason, despite all of my nervous energy, it felt right to stop and join our friends in the morning bright and early. there is something about sleeping in the car that feels like home to me (both of us, really). who needs hotels? the car is like a warm fire or going to grandma's house; yes what a comfort.
amber and i had a lot of time to talk on the way down. we expressed a lo of things regarding not only the present situation, but also many other things back home: school, sanctuary, wise men, self defense, the bus book, the perverted taoist, the mentally challenged intellectual nietzsche reader, momma's boys, our van, metaphysical roads, and tarot card readings. we have both learned much from this summers divine agenda, just as we learned much from our springtime. strong connections have been made which will produce fruits of good energy.
Life creates life.
on the road again.
yes, it feels good.
we are stopped at a rest area a little ways outside of charleston. we had planned on arriving at the festival early this evening and setting up camp there, but we had some car trouble that caused us delays. lucky for us, it didn't stop us from coming altogether, but the problem is not resolved, so there are some negative possibilities regarding our return to columbus. this is our first return back to west virginia since we left over a year ago. this rest area is a comfort and has welcomed us in with good vibrations all the way from the highway. we considered driving all night, but for some reason, despite all of my nervous energy, it felt right to stop and join our friends in the morning bright and early. there is something about sleeping in the car that feels like home to me (both of us, really). who needs hotels? the car is like a warm fire or going to grandma's house; yes what a comfort.
amber and i had a lot of time to talk on the way down. we expressed a lo of things regarding not only the present situation, but also many other things back home: school, sanctuary, wise men, self defense, the bus book, the perverted taoist, the mentally challenged intellectual nietzsche reader, momma's boys, our van, metaphysical roads, and tarot card readings. we have both learned much from this summers divine agenda, just as we learned much from our springtime. strong connections have been made which will produce fruits of good energy.
Life creates life.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
yesterday / next week
there was some kind of weird energy in columbus yesterday. both amber and i felt it. not quite sure what the source was, but it has moved on.
on the lighter side, next week will be a time of great changes. we are planning to revisit our brothers and sisters in wv and and enjoy the festivities at their festival, all of which could not come at a better time; a prelude to a new quarter at school, which starts 2 days later.
on the lighter side, next week will be a time of great changes. we are planning to revisit our brothers and sisters in wv and and enjoy the festivities at their festival, all of which could not come at a better time; a prelude to a new quarter at school, which starts 2 days later.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
lunar eclipse
this morning at 5:30 or so, amber and i got up and went outside to watch the total lunar eclipse. about halfway through, the sun began drawing close to our side of the horizon and it faded, but the reddish beauty against the ink-blue sky was still amazing.
the other night, two young men appeared around here. evidently, one was from new york and left for california because he said that god told him to. the other was from somewhere in the midwest headed for new york, where he planned to fly to isreal- because god told him to. I guess they just met at the peace rally downtown and connie brought them back here. they both left on the same day and said they were told not to bring anything. they weren't quite sure what it meant that they ran into each other, so they spent the last half of the week at connie's house and around outside. I think connie offered them meals like mac and cheese and such. they hung around talking to everyone and tried to figure out if they were supposed to join up and go somewhere together. one of them seemed very interested in talking with us and made an instant connection. eventually, they decided that they each needed to fulfill their own part of the task or plan, and last night or early this morning, with much emotion all around, they each left on their journeys. so here is to adam and jim. we hope you find happiness and enlightenment on your journeys.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
kitchens are cool
There is nothing really quite like hanging out in the kitchen. I feel like this is sort of true no matter where you go. You could have a huge living space, and a closet for a kitchen, and everyone would still want to cram in there.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
influences + inspiration
Our cd collection is growing rapidly, and we are really learning a lot. We are spending the summer surrounding ourselves with things and people that are teaching us new things. Plus it kind of feels like Colin Meloy, Wayne Coyne, Meg White, Jimmy Page, and Jim James have kinda been sharing some secrets from afar. We got rid of the cable in June, and I'm kinda glad. Visual endevours have been kinda mystic/trippy lately: Star Wars, Tetris, Almost Famous, anime, Documentaries, 70's and 80's cartoons.
Our back yard is like the new central hub-hangout area for the Victorians folk. There are like 2-10 people out back at any given time. Many of them have a lot of things to say that we could learn from, but even just the experience of hanging out with them is really wonderful.
Our back yard is like the new central hub-hangout area for the Victorians folk. There are like 2-10 people out back at any given time. Many of them have a lot of things to say that we could learn from, but even just the experience of hanging out with them is really wonderful.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
landlords and recordings
Our favorite neighbor (and green-thumb / earth mother) Connie, is being removed from her apartment because the new owner wants to rent exclusively to med students (and apparently NOT to hippies). Landlords suck. I guess amber and i will have to host the backyard hangout all the time now, and with 1/2 the space. Well, I guess we've got to defend our scene here. Amber bartending at Victorians now is great for that, because she can help initiate things.
Oh, but we jammed into some wicked recordings late last night :) We keep trying to get some good recordings of what we have but every time we try, we end up writing new material and jamming on that all night. Anyways, I know its easy to become anxious, but if its time to write now, then rite we must, and I guess the time will come later to finally go and lay down some nice, clean recordings.
Oh, but we jammed into some wicked recordings late last night :) We keep trying to get some good recordings of what we have but every time we try, we end up writing new material and jamming on that all night. Anyways, I know its easy to become anxious, but if its time to write now, then rite we must, and I guess the time will come later to finally go and lay down some nice, clean recordings.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday afternoon Amber and I went on a photo shoot. We each took some shots. Amber is an amazing photographer. Also later that night had an interesting time at a dinner party. Wine and sparklers are always a good time.
Sunday we wondered around at some antique stores in Clintonville- Also picked up a pretty bad-ass autumn jacket for amber. At the Antique Mall (I know antique mall sounds lame, but it's pretty sweet; it's a century old building filled with retro furniture and vintage clothing from basement to loft - anyways -) we found some Rainbow Bright playing cards printed in 1983 with which we will adorn a wall or something.
I finally laid down a sub-flooring in the basement and soon we'll be able to lay the wood for the floor. We have been carefully gathering vintage furniture, and scrap wood for the bar and stage. It will be completely fantastic... well, it'll be at the least both charming and insane. I can only hope.
Lollapalooza is coming up very shortly, and we are gonna try to come up with the funds to go to it. Luckily, we already have someone's apartment in downtown Chicago to stay at, and we'll probably take the bus, we just need tickets.
Off to a veggie cook out now and later maybe a nice nightly walk around the city and some website work or some recording.
Sunday we wondered around at some antique stores in Clintonville- Also picked up a pretty bad-ass autumn jacket for amber. At the Antique Mall (I know antique mall sounds lame, but it's pretty sweet; it's a century old building filled with retro furniture and vintage clothing from basement to loft - anyways -) we found some Rainbow Bright playing cards printed in 1983 with which we will adorn a wall or something.
I finally laid down a sub-flooring in the basement and soon we'll be able to lay the wood for the floor. We have been carefully gathering vintage furniture, and scrap wood for the bar and stage. It will be completely fantastic... well, it'll be at the least both charming and insane. I can only hope.
Lollapalooza is coming up very shortly, and we are gonna try to come up with the funds to go to it. Luckily, we already have someone's apartment in downtown Chicago to stay at, and we'll probably take the bus, we just need tickets.
Off to a veggie cook out now and later maybe a nice nightly walk around the city and some website work or some recording.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
July Third
Amber and I got a gig playing a benefit for (three) tigers and (two) lions. Looking forward to that. Its July third and they're doing the fireworks here in Columbus. I'm sitting at the coffee shop, amber's working behind the counter. I'm working on some art and website stuff in photoshop. It's nice outside; good night for a walk about town. Anyways, nothing else, really.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
bonnaroo here we come!
flaming lips are sure to blow everyone away...
were also looking forward to the decemberists quite a bit
shooting with a digital slr this year instead of film so i can get more shots, better shots
plus both of us being photographers now, we'll get a lot of crazy cool stuff.
oh man, its so hot. no a/c in the car- cant wait to get on the road, though.
love to all
were also looking forward to the decemberists quite a bit
shooting with a digital slr this year instead of film so i can get more shots, better shots
plus both of us being photographers now, we'll get a lot of crazy cool stuff.
oh man, its so hot. no a/c in the car- cant wait to get on the road, though.
love to all
Monday, June 11, 2007
Bonnaroooo in 3 days
Super excited. Time for inspiration, time for meeting old friends.
I feel very balanced.
I feel very balanced.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Gallery Showing
Tonight was the opening night of our gallery exhibition. Both Amber and I have pieces showing, and our art was selected out of quite a large group. I'm pretty excited about it- I think it's indicative of where we are headed and all. It was great to see our stuff actually in a gallery and watch people wandering in and looking. It's certainly gratifying to see the fruits of the labors. Also now we each have something to add to the CV and pieces for portfolios.
Cirque du soleil last night was sweet; a relaxing distraction; a celebration upon learning our artwork got accepted in the gallery; an inspiring, rejuvenating experience ;)
Also excited for summer; replacing school time with music time; hanging out; hiking and related etcs.
Also: Amber is a genius.
That is all :)
Cirque du soleil last night was sweet; a relaxing distraction; a celebration upon learning our artwork got accepted in the gallery; an inspiring, rejuvenating experience ;)
Also excited for summer; replacing school time with music time; hanging out; hiking and related etcs.
Also: Amber is a genius.
That is all :)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sweet bonnaroo in 17 days! The schedule is out and we've been mapping out our plans which we will probably only loosely follow- exciting!
We are we submitting our artwork to be juried for a gallery on wednesday! Then wednesday night after thats stress is lifted, cirque du soleil!
Still have a photo project to complete. 2 more days of actual classes. 6 if you count finals. oh stress be gone! :)
We are we submitting our artwork to be juried for a gallery on wednesday! Then wednesday night after thats stress is lifted, cirque du soleil!
Still have a photo project to complete. 2 more days of actual classes. 6 if you count finals. oh stress be gone! :)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Electric Yikes
Quickly working our way through this quarter! We are now preparing for our final projects for photography, photoshop, and acting. Kind of a lot of work all at once... It's cool though, we're pulling through (and not working much at our jobs ;) ) Soon it will be time to submit our work for the juried exhibition and I think that's when the pressure will start to cook us. Still, I think we know where we're headed 'for real' now.
We've got so much stuff packed into everyday. We have more art projects than humanly possible going simultaneously between school and stuff we are privately working on and our music, etc. One of these days I'll catch up on everything. I'm stayin up late just to vent all this out. I gotta say, though, I love staying busy like this. It may feel like there's not enough time for everything, but that's cause a lot is getting done. It's pretty satisfying.
I'm so proud of amber, too. The artwork she's been producing is amazing. She's really learning a lot and she's finding out a lot of new things about how she likes to create that art. I think she's surprised herself. It's a really cool time for her.
We have a ton of shows to go to in just the next month alone. And lots of theatre: thursday the childrens' hour, next thursday mary stuart, next next wednesday cirque de soleil, and THAT shall be the grandest!
Just after finals are over we are packing up for the grandest event of the year: bonnaroo!
-thats not all, but all i have energy for-
We've got so much stuff packed into everyday. We have more art projects than humanly possible going simultaneously between school and stuff we are privately working on and our music, etc. One of these days I'll catch up on everything. I'm stayin up late just to vent all this out. I gotta say, though, I love staying busy like this. It may feel like there's not enough time for everything, but that's cause a lot is getting done. It's pretty satisfying.
I'm so proud of amber, too. The artwork she's been producing is amazing. She's really learning a lot and she's finding out a lot of new things about how she likes to create that art. I think she's surprised herself. It's a really cool time for her.
We have a ton of shows to go to in just the next month alone. And lots of theatre: thursday the childrens' hour, next thursday mary stuart, next next wednesday cirque de soleil, and THAT shall be the grandest!
Just after finals are over we are packing up for the grandest event of the year: bonnaroo!
-thats not all, but all i have energy for-
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
May Day
A magical adventure, and a time for fond remembering :)
Beautiful day today, and we closed the night by doing some recording with our new equipment which I must say is quite 'pimp'. I think that means sweet. Anyways class tomorrow and then we're gonna blow some money probably. Haha.
A magical adventure, and a time for fond remembering :)
Beautiful day today, and we closed the night by doing some recording with our new equipment which I must say is quite 'pimp'. I think that means sweet. Anyways class tomorrow and then we're gonna blow some money probably. Haha.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Happy Spring
Everything is going so well!
websites are almost up for evolumusic and newroadcallling... finally!
websites are almost up for evolumusic and newroadcallling... finally!
Monday, April 16, 2007
First Show!
We had our first show on thursday! I guess it was a long time coming, too. We played mostly new material. Since it was at a coffee shop on campus, there were people reading and whatnot, but luckily we had a great group of folks who came and listened and supported us ;) We were both kind of nervous, and I felt like a sort of robot/ape playing the lead part for the first song: stiff and clumsy, but amber's vocals began coming out more and I loosened up and we got a pretty good flow going. People loved it. Amber sang beautifully. We did a 45 min set of originals, and then a jam complete with dulcimer, didgeridoo, drums, and various percussive instruments. I think someone has pictures of the whole set.
Afterwards we went to a party and everyone was so super cool to us. They all said they really dug it and they want to come see us next time we play out. They even went on about how they loved the lyrics, which is awesome. I love that some people really listen! We couldn't have hoped for a better reaction.
Afterwards, it seemed (just as I knew it would) so much easier than it had been. We put a lot of work and a lot of time into our music, but always behind closed doors. We were always too afraid to share it. We pushed ourselves in the direction so many times, but something always stood in our way. Now it really seems like the seal has been broken and all that fear is conquered. I'm sure we'll still get nervous sometimes, but nothing as overwhelming as the first time.
A bit of symbolism here: We got tattoos about 2 weeks ago partially for this occasion and Amber's tattoo was pretty scabbed over and looked crazy (not normal). She was afraid that she had a reaction to the thicker pigments or something and that it would be scarred underneath. She simultaneously began freaking out nervous about the show. As the tattoo healed, her attitude became more positive. The entire tattoo was revealed, however, when the final piece of scab was ripped off about 5 minutes before our set when she reached in a bag to get out a setlist or something. I told her it was sort of like a band aid, or jumping in a pool. Now she can move on past the fear and express her true self.
Also, our projects for photography and digital were due this week. I'm pretty proud of mine; especially my digital project. It was very well received and I have a feeling I may be chosen to take this one to the gallery exhibition in May. Way too soon to tell, though.
I'm just so glad that everything is taking off. It feels wonderful for us both to be doing all of these amazing things.
Afterwards we went to a party and everyone was so super cool to us. They all said they really dug it and they want to come see us next time we play out. They even went on about how they loved the lyrics, which is awesome. I love that some people really listen! We couldn't have hoped for a better reaction.
Afterwards, it seemed (just as I knew it would) so much easier than it had been. We put a lot of work and a lot of time into our music, but always behind closed doors. We were always too afraid to share it. We pushed ourselves in the direction so many times, but something always stood in our way. Now it really seems like the seal has been broken and all that fear is conquered. I'm sure we'll still get nervous sometimes, but nothing as overwhelming as the first time.
A bit of symbolism here: We got tattoos about 2 weeks ago partially for this occasion and Amber's tattoo was pretty scabbed over and looked crazy (not normal). She was afraid that she had a reaction to the thicker pigments or something and that it would be scarred underneath. She simultaneously began freaking out nervous about the show. As the tattoo healed, her attitude became more positive. The entire tattoo was revealed, however, when the final piece of scab was ripped off about 5 minutes before our set when she reached in a bag to get out a setlist or something. I told her it was sort of like a band aid, or jumping in a pool. Now she can move on past the fear and express her true self.
Also, our projects for photography and digital were due this week. I'm pretty proud of mine; especially my digital project. It was very well received and I have a feeling I may be chosen to take this one to the gallery exhibition in May. Way too soon to tell, though.
I'm just so glad that everything is taking off. It feels wonderful for us both to be doing all of these amazing things.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tattoo Week
Yes this week was the first week of school and I must say I feel so invigorated! My energy level is really through the roof! Oddly enough I ended up becoming "theatre people", oh yes I have declared a major in theatre and at a later time I will probably double it up with communications and stick in a minor in vis comm design.
Other than chilling out, freaking out, and getting super emotional all at the same time, amber and I went to evolved and got tattoos together. They look sweet and I think they will serve to remind and inspire us :) They aren't quite healed yet so maybe pictures of them later.
Have some design projects to work on today. But oh how the rent sneaks up on you. Well maybe I will empty my thoughts tonight after I've done my work and gone to work.
Other than chilling out, freaking out, and getting super emotional all at the same time, amber and I went to evolved and got tattoos together. They look sweet and I think they will serve to remind and inspire us :) They aren't quite healed yet so maybe pictures of them later.
Have some design projects to work on today. But oh how the rent sneaks up on you. Well maybe I will empty my thoughts tonight after I've done my work and gone to work.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Warm Weather, Good News

It was in the 70's outside today: freakishly warm! Everyone was out and about walking, laying on their roof, etc. It put everyone in summer mode. Too bad it's still early March and I'm pretty sure we wont get out of the month without more snow. Ran into an old friend while out walking on High St. and we talked about Bonnaroo and a couple other festivals this summer.
Anyways, on to the best news: I'm starting back to school in roughly two weeks. I am super-stoked. I'm going to try to take the same classes as Amber this quarter; an acting class, a dig media class and a dig photography class.
Our 1st show is also coming up in about a month. We decided to play all originals, and we don't quite have enough material to fill the set yet, but we're writing quite a bit. It would be nice to have enough material to be somewhat selective and still fill the 2 hours. I think we are doing a really good job managing ourselves and planning things for the band, but right now time is so tight that the practicing is a bit too scarce for our taste. Once I start back to school, I won't be working 50 hr weeks anymore and we will have almost every night to work on things.
Artist Steev Richter is soon coming back to Ohio and we plan on running back to Mansfield to catch a show. Steev was one of my original inspirations for becoming a musician.
The Walkmen are playing at Little Brothers tomorrow night and it will be awesome. Its a small enough venue to make the show a bit more personal.
Still haven't got the Evolu website up. Feb is always our poorest month, with Jan at a close second. Soon we'll pay all those looming gas bills off and we'll be back on track (meaning we will still have no money, but it will be a more flexible state of poverty) and we will be getting things done. A change of priority is in order and this summer, we will have to live humbly so that we can travel and put both time and resource into our music and art. It will also help to get those student aid refund checks back from the school. Yeah, those are great. Anyways, website, myspace, sonicbids, etc. will hopefully all be done before our show. We are also eye-ing a new mixer and some better mics for recording. There is a slim chance of getting a PA for touring this summer, but this may prove to be both unattainable and unnecessary. We are also anticipating the arrival of our screen printer and we've got a good source for clothing.
Amber and I seem to be getting a better idea about where we really want to go with our schooling and are starting to compile some long term goals. Seems like everything is a lot more within our reach and we seem to be making the right contacts and advancing. We don't feel so much like outsiders in the scene and we aren't in anyone's shadow. It feels good and hopeful.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It is crazy cold outside. It's been single digits by day and less by night and in our apartment it has been getting down to like 62. It's kind of blizzardy outside at the moment. I'm actually sitting in the coffee shop where amber works because its much warmer and more comfy here than at home. I'm listening through headphones to a long and inspiring recording of a jam that we held the other night. We kind of locked ourselves in this weekend and played, etc. We set up the living room as the studio and wrote some new material, jammed, basically just had an all together agreeable and enjoyable time. Listening closely to these recordings, makes me want to go back and replay some of this crazy stuff in sobriety.
Oh other news- we've got a gig in April (acoustic) so we have focused our energy on writing new (and revising old) acoustic material. We're building up a 2-3 set comprised of nearly if not all originals. We are probably bringing back some material we wrote in Toronto and maybe one written in West Virginia, but the bulk of the set will be new stuff (yay!)
Anyways, were still 'on the verge' of getting the website up. Really the whole thing has been designed It just needs like more words, and oh yeah we need to pay for it (money issues always getting in the way).
Also more good news- I've found myself a lot more centered lately and much less bitter about things that have come and gone. Much cooler to not have anger directed toward an entire subculture, especially one that I used to be a very devoted member of. I know now (I've known all along) that I really need to embrace ALL things that are a part of me. Good things developing all the time :)
Oh other news- we've got a gig in April (acoustic) so we have focused our energy on writing new (and revising old) acoustic material. We're building up a 2-3 set comprised of nearly if not all originals. We are probably bringing back some material we wrote in Toronto and maybe one written in West Virginia, but the bulk of the set will be new stuff (yay!)
Anyways, were still 'on the verge' of getting the website up. Really the whole thing has been designed It just needs like more words, and oh yeah we need to pay for it (money issues always getting in the way).
Also more good news- I've found myself a lot more centered lately and much less bitter about things that have come and gone. Much cooler to not have anger directed toward an entire subculture, especially one that I used to be a very devoted member of. I know now (I've known all along) that I really need to embrace ALL things that are a part of me. Good things developing all the time :)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tired enough to have spelling problems
The other night Amber and I stayed up all night listening to all of our old lo-fi recordings from Toronto, which were of the first songs we had written together. We were delighted and inspired and upon all of this I think we are really beginning to lose the resentment we hold toward West Virginia, hippyism, and the way we used to be in general. I think that even though our style has evolved considerably we are once again seeing the value and wisdom in the people we once were.
Amber's birthday came and I bought her a vintage Fender Telecaster so that she may rock out on it instead of on her teleacoustic or folking on her full body acoustic. Amber also wrote a song yesterday and it was quite a bit like our earlier stuff, very folky and bright with a kind of carefree sound. We sat in the living room and jammed on it all afternoon.
I finished reading Kerouac's the Dharma Bums. I started out pretty indifferent toward it, but about halfway through I got in to it. There was a particular part near the end that referenced an old Chinese fable as depicted visually on several panels. Here's the gist of the fable: A young man leaving town, going out into the wild mountains, taming a bull and riding it, leaving the bull to meditate, then there is a blank panel, a panel with blossoms, and finally the man is old, fat and has returned from the mountains to town to drink and be merry. So he is actually leaving society to tame / ride his own mind and does so successfully, but upon doing so realizes he doesn't need to feel anxious, look for himself externally... he really doesn't need to do anything. He obtains 'nothing', and the blossoms come and he is happy and wise and old. I think this really stuck out to me because it reminded me quite a bit of the adventure Amber and I had with going to the mountains. I think really the beast to be tamed was our own anxiousness. We certainly came back with nothing, and I've been down some for the last couple months because I felt like I was just working all the time and not creating any, but I think the healing process is beginning and just as spring is coming I think the blossoms will come and Amber and I will be able to recognize the good that came out of the situation on all levels. I'm glad that we are finally finding peace with things again. :)
Tired now and must go to sleep. Peace to all.
Amber's birthday came and I bought her a vintage Fender Telecaster so that she may rock out on it instead of on her teleacoustic or folking on her full body acoustic. Amber also wrote a song yesterday and it was quite a bit like our earlier stuff, very folky and bright with a kind of carefree sound. We sat in the living room and jammed on it all afternoon.
I finished reading Kerouac's the Dharma Bums. I started out pretty indifferent toward it, but about halfway through I got in to it. There was a particular part near the end that referenced an old Chinese fable as depicted visually on several panels. Here's the gist of the fable: A young man leaving town, going out into the wild mountains, taming a bull and riding it, leaving the bull to meditate, then there is a blank panel, a panel with blossoms, and finally the man is old, fat and has returned from the mountains to town to drink and be merry. So he is actually leaving society to tame / ride his own mind and does so successfully, but upon doing so realizes he doesn't need to feel anxious, look for himself externally... he really doesn't need to do anything. He obtains 'nothing', and the blossoms come and he is happy and wise and old. I think this really stuck out to me because it reminded me quite a bit of the adventure Amber and I had with going to the mountains. I think really the beast to be tamed was our own anxiousness. We certainly came back with nothing, and I've been down some for the last couple months because I felt like I was just working all the time and not creating any, but I think the healing process is beginning and just as spring is coming I think the blossoms will come and Amber and I will be able to recognize the good that came out of the situation on all levels. I'm glad that we are finally finding peace with things again. :)
Tired now and must go to sleep. Peace to all.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
New School
So, a new year and new ambitions. Amber is attending school and hopefully I will soon be doing the same. We've been working on some original material and getting a set together to start playing live with. I'm also super stoked about getting into doing house concerts. Glad to see a lot of hard work really taking shape. We've been putting a lot of planning and work in and it's really going somewhere. I notice that we're really meshing musically, and Amber is really coming forward with the lead vocals. I think we will have the website up in the next week or two :) Super exciting stuff!
Ooh: also getting a screen printer, so I can start printing some of my designs on a variety of surfaces; mainly t-shirts and bags. Between Amber and I we'll be able to design our entire wardrobes.
Anyways happy new year! Here's to all things new!
Ooh: also getting a screen printer, so I can start printing some of my designs on a variety of surfaces; mainly t-shirts and bags. Between Amber and I we'll be able to design our entire wardrobes.
Anyways happy new year! Here's to all things new!
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