Tuesday, February 06, 2007


It is crazy cold outside. It's been single digits by day and less by night and in our apartment it has been getting down to like 62. It's kind of blizzardy outside at the moment. I'm actually sitting in the coffee shop where amber works because its much warmer and more comfy here than at home. I'm listening through headphones to a long and inspiring recording of a jam that we held the other night. We kind of locked ourselves in this weekend and played, etc. We set up the living room as the studio and wrote some new material, jammed, basically just had an all together agreeable and enjoyable time. Listening closely to these recordings, makes me want to go back and replay some of this crazy stuff in sobriety.

Oh other news- we've got a gig in April (acoustic) so we have focused our energy on writing new (and revising old) acoustic material. We're building up a 2-3 set comprised of nearly if not all originals. We are probably bringing back some material we wrote in Toronto and maybe one written in West Virginia, but the bulk of the set will be new stuff (yay!)

Anyways, were still 'on the verge' of getting the website up. Really the whole thing has been designed It just needs like more words, and oh yeah we need to pay for it (money issues always getting in the way).

Also more good news- I've found myself a lot more centered lately and much less bitter about things that have come and gone. Much cooler to not have anger directed toward an entire subculture, especially one that I used to be a very devoted member of. I know now (I've known all along) that I really need to embrace ALL things that are a part of me. Good things developing all the time :)