Tuesday, October 30, 2007

fighting back

the past couple of days have been interesting for me. things are kind of coming to a boiling point, and people are moving into positions to try and break us with their imaginary weapons. sunday, i started fighting back. two days in a row i have had to be backed into a corner where i had no choice but to defend myself, and i've had flex my metaphysical muscles a little. why do people think that because we are young, that this means we are ignorant or inexperienced or what have you... ? everyone mistakes my silence for ignorance, but i am being humble. i listen to people tell me how to be an artist, how to make money, how to be spiritual, how to do this and that,.. all from people who can't get it together themselves. they are talking for their own sake, not mine. and i'm listening for their sake. you can tell that the thought never occurs to them that i might actually have something to say at all, let alone something that is more meaningful than their petty shit. anyone who needs to boost their own ego or maybe reassure themselves of something need not use me right now. i'm running out of much normally ample patience, and i'm tired of being used.

i've figured something out, though. people are bitter toward us because they cannot work out in their head how we get away with living outside of society's rules. they think we don't suffer any consequences for our choices, but they are wrong. the consequences are actually created by the bitter bystanders themselves. they have been treated unfairly for breaking out of societies boundaries, so when they see someone else do it, they say 'well if i couldn't do it you can't either'. what they do not understand is that we do not live in fear of consequence as they do, and therefore we do not let imaginary rules and imaginary boundaries rule our lives. sure, we take crap for our lifestyles, and sometimes things get hard, but this is nothing compared with the benefits that we receive: benefits which are infinite, transcending time, space, matter, rules, observations, etc etc etc. we have been given so many wonderful gifts that are infinitely more powerful than any rule, any fear or anger, any insecurity, and certainly any asshole with some false material-given sense of power.

these people and their rules have no real power over us. we are ALL as free as we believe we are.

thank you to wayne coyne (and the w.a.n.d) for teaching me this. i aspire to spread such beautiful messages of hope and love.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

experiment in time travel #2

thursday night well after midnight, we had been working on school work since the minute we got up in the morning, and we still had not even started another project that was due the next day. amber was recovering from a cold, i was falling ill with one, we were tired and essentially ran out of food in the house. upset and discouraged (starting to freak out), we decided to go hang out with some friends in the back yard for a bit to clear our minds. after spending a wonderful hour outside, it was now even later and we decided to make coffee and get back to work. after coming inside, we completed about 8 hours worth of work in roughly ten minutes. we were still up late enough to only get about 3 or 4 hours of sleep, but the next day we both were recovered from our colds (i never even fully got one) and all the anxiety we felt about school had been lifted. we had a great day :) we're lucky that amber is a genius and has mystical powers. this is our second time travel, the first being at a may day festival in west virginia. yes, one can transcend time and space if the mindset is right.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

more projects

have about 20 hours worth of work to do in the next 36 hours. worn down. ambers sick and i'm getting there.

Friday, October 12, 2007

90 degrees, 70 degrees, 40 degrees; ohio

so after a long spell of 93 degree days, we are instantly zapped down to the 40s and 50s. this seems to have made everyone either tired or sick. luckily, amber and i are just tired. classes are rolling along much smoother now. haven't pulled any all nighters this week :)

now that connie has moved out, our secret garden is all that remains outside the cafe. the vibe is changing around here a bit, not necessarily for better or worse, but incomparably different. there are still lots of good folks around and now (hopefully) some of the drama has subsided. there have been an alarming number of disturbances since the end of summer involving so many good people. we are so fortunate to be a part of this family. i can only hope that harmony can be restored for everyone. amber and i are trying to keep the community at peace. the consciousness of this place and these people is so powerful, and capable of doing so much good.

anyways, having a fire tonight out back. hoping to do some chillin outside.

Friday, October 05, 2007


ugh. its late. still sculpting. amber too. my hands are blistering from this wire. i gotta just relax- we are doing much too much work here.