Thursday, July 07, 2005

Apartment hunting

Amber and I went apartment hunting today. Our property manger just sprung it on us that we have to either sign another year lease or get out at the end of Aug. We were supposed to have the option to pay month to month at the end of this lease term, but i guess they changed their mind at the last minute. We planned on moving to West Virginia in late October immediately after I graduate. That leaves us without a place to live for 2 months. You cannot rent an apartment in Columbus for only 2 months. Most are a 1 year lease. We found that you can talk some people down to a 6 months.

Anyways, today we were stood up for 2 seperate meetings to view apartments. We spent our entire afternoon and evening walking about and calling every number we came across on a for rent sign. We actually thought it would be pretty sweet to try to move right up onto high st. in the short north and live in the arts district above some business like the coffee table, the retrocat vintage store, or a gallery. Unfortunately, these appts are even more expensive than the ones in the victorian village.

We looked at these efficiency appts just north of the short north. To get to them, you had to go in from high street, up some stairs, through a hallway where some regular appts were, back out a door, on a catwalk, in another door, and around a little hallway. We also looked at some places on campus. A hotel-like building's ad claimed to have flexible leasing. We'll find that out tomorrow.

I guess we thought it would be cool to kind of engulf ourselves in the city before we move. We are very stoked about moving down with Lori and Robert to live on the mountain in West Virginia. We just want to completely enjoy and experience the city while we are still here. This is why being forced to move from our current appt can be either a curse that sends us farther from the action or the opprotunity that sends us closer to it. Either way it seems to be the event that may drive us broke.

Well we maybe tomorrows search will be more conclusive...